Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tomorrow is the big day!


Tomorrow, June 14th, could be a very big day for all of us. We, the negotiating team, have high hopes that we can settle most if not all of the contract issues tomorrow and be able to send all of our members into the summer with the knowledge that things are settled and we can move forward. It would be a big sigh of relief if that comes true.

WE NEED EVERYONE POSSIBLE to show up at negotiations and encourage the districts negotiation team to settle. If anyone comes up with a good idea - like we all wear our union shirts or we all bring a piece of paper with the word SETTLE on it - I would try hard to pass the word along tomorrow before we start negotiations.

Last friday Tonya and I met with Patty and Terri and we all seem to think we are very close numbers wise. Patty was going to try to help with the other members of her negotiating team and get them on board to get this contract settled. I hope that she was successful.



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