Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Negotiations May 23, 2011


UGLY! and it is only going to get uglier. Here is what we learned today - the district offered us no step next year but one the year after. It offered no salary increase in the next two years. It offered a cap on insurance with what they pay now - which means no increase even though the costs are going up and lastly they want to be able to cut 15 days from our contract without talking with us about it if they need to save money. YES, I WOULD SAY THAT WAS AS BAD AS IT COULD BE - besides cutting about 20 people last Friday.

The district is playing hard ball - Dusty would even say they are being evil. The district has cut more teachers than they said they would, have not cut anything else so far, and want teachers to pay for what the voters do not want to pay for. The big question is why do the people who care most about kids have to pay for them while the people who have kids in our schools do not want to pay for them - at least not a majority of them. Time has come for teachers to quit being the whipping boy for the voters, and everyone else. We took our cuts last year - how many more years will we have to take cuts?

Ok, enough ranting - but I will tell you it was difficult to remain composed when you have people look at you and say work harder, lose benefits and God only knows when you will ever get a raise again, even though everything costs more. I know people have lost jobs and that is a terrible thing so I don't want to whine too much but on the other hand, the people who do have jobs need to be able to keep their houses and cars and not have to work a second job.

One of my big worries is that we have people trying to get others to cut days and save jobs. I think that is what the district is hoping for. I think they want us to beat each other up and give in to their demands and give up the power we have over our contract. Lets be real - the 9 teachers cut are not coming back no matter what. They are gone. The legislature is not giving us any more money in the near future - so if you open the contract expect to always lose days. It is a simple way for the district to balance the budget. So you still want to open the contract - well what are the guarnatees that the district will bring back teachers? How many will be brought back? Oh, and guess what - next year they need another 1.5 million in cuts. So that means we will need to cut even more days and benefits and pay. DO NOT GO DOWN THE ROAD OF GIVING IN SO QUICKLY! Remember, negotiations is all a game of start high and then get to where you really want to be.

If you have questions or concerns - talk to someone on the negotiation team. Do not use district email to show we are not unified. It does not help our position. You can always call me - you may not always like my answer, but we can at least talk.

Hang in there,


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 18, 2011 Negotiations


Well the district gave us their proposal and it was pretty ugly. They would like merit pay and that quickly became a fairly heated argument - it was nice that Dot stepped in and suggested that we take a caucus to talk things out a bit. We are not interested in merit pay and that is that. The other item or contention was their proposal to remove the 30 minutes of prep time during the student contact day - just as we thought they were going to do. They did not have any substantial reason for this except to say it is about scheduling - which it will be when they eliminate PE and Music from the elementary schools like they are talking about. We, of course, are not interested in that either. The last thing - kind of topping on the cake was the elimination the 30 minute early release for teachers. They wanted to get rid of that last year and we fought it off and here it is again this year. Again, the reason is they need that time for prep if they get rid of the student contact time prep.

If they stick to their guns on these ideas - it is going to be a long negotiations - I do not see us wanting any part of any of that - there is not a lot of negotiating room in their proposals - either you do them or you don't.


I understand there is talk about cutting days on the facebook union site. Let me stress the importance of not cutting days.

1. If you open the days - then you will never get control of it again.
2. If you open days - you have no control over how many get cut.
3. If you open days - the district can keep all of the programs and things it wants to do and balance the budget on you pay.
4. If you open days - you hurt people who have spent a lifetime working as teachers - their retirement pay goes down.
5. If you open days - you are putting off the inevitable - will the actual amount needed to keep all of these employees EVER return. The states budget for the next two years says no. We all need to understand that the amount of money may never return to have school like it was 3-5 years ago.
6. If you open days - everyone suffers but the public. It is all on our backs.
7. If you open days - kids get more days off to go on vacations, see grandparents, play video games - but those lost educational days are lost forever.
8. If you open days - it says we don't need those days anyway.
9. Districts who have opened days - there is a growing movement that says that giving up days was a mistake and they should never have agreed to it - where does it end.

I think I could come up with a few more but I think you get the point - when we pass the levy - we will not have to worry about any of this!

By the way - the phone bank can still use your help today, tomorrow and Thursday.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our first session for the 2011-2012 bargaining


The session was pretty tame. We gave the district our proposal and they listened and asked questions. We are holding off on the big issues of pay and medical benefits until after the May budget forecast. We dont want to start talking numbers until we are sure about the state has the money.

We are opened with articles 4, 10, and 21 as the main articles so far. The district is going to open articles 4,10,11,14,15,20. The big issue here - I think and we will see - is about prep time. I understand that some districts are trying to have prep be after the kids have left not during the student contact time - WOW! We need to fght that!! I guess we will find out what they really want to do on April 18th,

Come and see what is up!

By the way - if you saw the districts cut list, there were two things to look at - 1. The 5 days of furlough the first year are self evident, but the second year it says only 3 days, BUT, those are three additional days to the 5 so really we will take 8 furlough days in the second year!! This is why we are not going to open the contract. 2. All people on extra duty contracts - did you notice the 50% reduction in your pay? You should.

We still have room on the phone banks - you should sign up and help improve your working conditions and compensation.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

2011 Negotiations Begin


Our team of Dusty Humphries, Richard Palen, Danielle Gahr, Melissa Johnson, Megan Rileg and Keith Meeuwsen met with the districts team of Patty, Andy Croley, Lori Thompson, Alan King, and Jessica. (Bonita was not present).

It was all niceties as we exchanged ground rules for negotiations. We then set our next meeting dates which are April 4th and April 18th.

As a team we are still working out the final language to our proposals and if you have anything you want to tell us it is not too late.

As you know we have a 2.1 million deficit that looms large in negotiations. We also know that pay and health care benefits are the two big issues and that there are some very vocal people who got no raise at all last year who do not want to be left behind again this year.

We have also been paying attention to Portland and what they were able to do this year. One thing Portland has been able to do is pass levies - they do make a difference in what you can negotiate!!!

Anyhow - show up to the next bargaining session and lets see what we can do.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

OOOPS!!!! Patty is not gone yet!


OUCH! Like I said at the end of the year breakfast - I am good at putting my foot in my mouth! I said last night at the contract ratification meeting that Patty had retired. That is true - however - it is not effective until the end of NEXT SCHOOLYEAR. I had my date wrong. Please forgive me - I think I was so shocked at the announcement that I did not read the rest carefully enough.

As for the meeting last night - wow - was I wrong. I thought it would be a short 15 minute meeting and we would vote - I had no idea it would be so eventful! I talked with Patty this morning and we are working on the language for prep time because people were not happy with the proposed language and so it had to be adjusted. Patty and I seem to be on the same page on prep time language and we will get that out to everyone who was not at the meeting ASAP. We will also be sending the ballots to decide whether or not we ratify in the mail today, if possible.

If you are interested in looking over the contract, it should be online at the district website soon.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Your pay raise explained.


Soon after I posted the news on the contract and your raise I realized it may not make sense. Here is the deal. You will get 50% of the full step increase in your paychecks starting in August. On the salary schedule you will move to the next spot but will only be paid for half of it. The idea was to keep all of you who can move, move, so you next year when we negotiate you will start in an improved spot on the salary scale.

For example.

A teacher who is on Master step 6 in 2009-2010 earned $47,515, next year you will move to step 7 which is $49,080. That means you should make $1,565 more dollars next year but you only get 50% of that total so your real raise is $782.50 which will be spread throughout all of your paychecks for next year. The upside is in 2011-2012 you will move to step 8 which is more money and lets hope that we get a raise in salary as well. Our goal was to keep you moving down the steps.

I hope that helps, if you have questions let me know.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Ratification news.


Ok, lets talk some specifics. First, we have a one year agreement which means we will be back at it in 6-8 months. Second, the insurance piece is as we proposed. Providence will no longer be offered, you can choose ODS 5 or 6 as well as Kaiser - those are the plans you can pick from. Dental and vision will be the same. The out of pocket per month for premiums stays about the same in all plans. We managed to keep the 92.5% that the district pays as a benefit to us. I know the district really wants to put a cap on insurance and that this was one of the biggest points of conflict between the district and SHEA. This year we got what we wanted, we will have to see what happens in the future - I don't know how long we can continue to have a percentage when insurance costs go up 25% a year.

Anyhow, as far as pay goes. You will get 50% of your step beginning in August. This means that everyone will see a bigger check next year except for those who are at the bottom - sorry. I am included in that group that does not get a pay raise. I will tell you that when I woke up yesterday I was annoyed and aggitated that I and all of the people like me were not getting a raise and everyone else was. I tried very hard to make a point of this with the district on the lack of a raise and that everyone was taking a salary schedule freeze. We cannot do this in the long run and keep a living wage. I see this as a one time thing and not the beginning of a pattern.

At the end of negotiations we all spoke of our fears for next year and how that could be really ugly. In both the budget committee meeting and negotiations there is talk of a possible levy or school funding proposal at the local level and have the community decide what type of schools they want. I told the board in both meetings that SHEA would be very interested in helping the district do what it takes to make our schools whole again. I hope all of the members will want to be a part of any effort to increase the funding at a local level so we can get whole again in the number of teachers and support staff as well as making sure we are paid the wages and benefits we deserve.

We will be having a meeting on Monday, June 21st at 7PM in the commons of the high school to show you all of the changes to the contract and vote on ratification. I hope to see you there.

I feel we have done a good job of protecting our workers, the students, and our contract in this very trying year. I sent a letter to both papers letting them know what happened and how much we as teachers gave up so that school would be a positive place for everyone next year. That is the negotiating teams biggest fear, that people will say that there was plenty of money and not see how much we gave to make this happen. The districts negotiation team was very impressed with what we have done to help and say that they will remember. Lets hope that is the case.

Anyhow, come on Monday and bring your questions and concerns with you.
